About a Bolt Seal
You, as a customer, must become aware of the potential dangers that are present everyday in your industry. Your Container / Trailers can be violated in just a manner of minutes, WITHOUT the use of special tools, leaving no evidence of the crime. Even worse, any preventative device that you might have applied would show no signs of tampering.
1) As an example, we show how even with an everyday tool (such as a hand drill), the RIVET that connects the handle with the locking bar can be destroyed in a few minutes.
2) Following this, the handle can be rotated and the doors opened without touching the seal.
3) Once the container has been pilfered and tampered with, the latch handle is returned to its place and a replacement RIVET inserted with glue. A touch of pain and glue leaves little to no trace of any wrong-doing and theft.
At this point you must as yourself, if something with more consistency and protection is required. Luckily, we have a variety of CTPAT certified products that can assist in this endeavor for your convenience.